Monday, December 14, 2015

Using the Scientific Method in All Subjects, Including Life! - Part II

The Scientific Method & It's Applications Part II: Hypothesis & Experiment

In this 3 part series, I have been discussing how the Scientific Method may be used in all subjects including life.  Last week I discussed the Question and Research, today, I'm discussing the next two processes in the Scientific Method - the Hypothesis and ExperimentBe sure to check back next Monday as I discuss the final steps how the Scientific Method may be used in all subjects. 

3. Hypothesis
Third, students develop their hypothesis with the research they conducted.  This is their educated guess of what may happen or what the outcome will be to their question or purpose.  Here are some example hypotheses on the subjects and questions listed above.
Science: Yes, a potato can power a clock.
Reading: The Author's Purpose is to persuade me to read more.
Writing: The lunch menu should have more vegetables and fruit on the menu, so that all students have 2 servings of each every day.
Math: The fraction, 1/4, may be represented as a ratio, fraction, percent, decimal, or with a visual drawing.

Art: I can paint an Impressionism painting like Monet with only a few colors and a light airy stroke.
Social Studies/History: Abraham Lincoln had a large impact on history and culture for various reasons.

Life: I can be an EMT, Firefighter, and Computer Technician. It is possible to enjoy and be certified in all three fields.

4. Conduct Experiment
Fourth, students determine the procedure and/or methods they will use to test their hypothesis. Detailed procedural steps and methods may be provided by the teacher, by an experiment guide, research guide, or determined by the student. It's important for students to detail all steps, procedures, data, and methods during the 'Experiment' or 'Testing Hypothesis' stage. Depending on the subject, various ways to test the hypothesis may be executed during this stage. Below are ways this is possible with all subjects.
Science: Outline a list of steps to create a power clock to test the hypothesis that a potato can power a clock. List all of the equipment, materials, and steps to test your theory. Complete the experiment to see if you can power a clock with a potato.
Reading: During this phase you are testing/proving your hypothesis. List the steps to determine the Author's purpose and take notes. An outline may be provided by the teacher on what to look for or the student lists the procedures/methods to determine the Author's purpose. Will you use the close reading method? Other methods? Experiment and test your hypothesis, does it fit with your data and research? Read the text, note any pages, and facts that support or negate your hypothesis of the Author's Purpose.
Writing: List the method and procedure of what you would put on the lunch menu and why. Investigate your menu and experiment by take a poll of fellow classmates by letting them vote on your menu (this could even be incorporated with technology and people vote online), collect nutritional data to support your hypothesis, fix your menu and have people taste test the menu, and more. These are a few ideas of many on how you may conduct the experiment of proving your lunch menu is better and that more fruits and vegetables should be on the menu

Math: Demonstrate by experimenting on the various ways to express 1/4. Write it as a ratio, a fraction, a decimal, and draw visuals. List the steps, processes, thoughts, and any information to prove how you know this is accurate. List the methods that you demonstrated 1/4 of a whole.
Art: Determine the procedures, methods, and equipment you will need to complete a painting like Monet's paintings. List all of the equipment and supplies, like is typically done in a science experiment. Experiment by creating your own painting to complete your artwork.
Studies/History: List the procedures and methods you'll use to determine Lincoln's impact on history and culture. Will you take a poll online, at your educational institution, or both? Collect all data and determine how you will display the data. List the procedure and steps you used to determine Lincoln's impact.
Life: List all the steps, and procedures on how you determine you can be an EMT, Firefighter, and a Computer Technician. You may also execute experiments on this by listing your skill set, meeting with your local EMT, Firefighters, and a local Computer Technician to work in the field for a day with them. If you do work with them, collect data, take notes, list detailed information on your day, and/or have a sheet for the person you work with fill out for your experiment listing the skills you need in this field. Also, conducting a poll online or in person to learn about people in the working field and their various careers. All of this should be detailed to prove you can be certified in all three fields and do all three careers.

Make sure you check back next Monday to read the final portion of Using the Scientific Method in All Subjects Including Life!
If you missed the first article you may use the link here to read all about itUsing the Scientific Method in All Subjects, Including Life! - Part I

Best Wishes, Ms Moore
Certified K-6, 6-9 math, and 6-9 science
©2015 M Moore, M Moore Educational Resources.  All rights reserved. You may share, pin, like, share, & repin, just not copy and/or resell it.  This article series is for non-commercial use and my not be resold or reprinted without the author's express written consent.

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